
Summary and names. // id1.html
Homo Primigenius and ancestry. // id2.html
NDC, scholaris, sitma and twistfa. // id3.html
Art in most basic Diagram. Time-frame. // id4.html
Contact Me
First images from 'Odyssey'. LINKS. // id6.html
Cartography from MGS. // id7.html
Northern appendix to MUSEUM. // id8.html
MARE CYDONIAE. // id9.html
Complete 70A11 of Viking-1976. // id10.html
Southern part of MUSEUM. // id11.html
PANTOCRATON !!!. // id12.html
Heart of Cydonia. D&M. // id13.html
D&M with Cartography. The 'Fort'. // id14.html
North-East of MUSEUM. // id15.html
East of MUSEUM. // id16.html
Hand, newmo, farmo and cosmic quintrisector. Act of Creation. // id17.html
De Arte Geometrica. 6th. concept with ubcode. // id18.html
Cydonia. Cartography and Art.
Contact Me

Let me know what you think!

Angel Garcia, secretary of Universitas Americae (UNIAM). See UNIAM, TETET, eltasico, etc.